Crumbs From the Corner: Adventures in Woolgathering

Friday, March 28, 2008

Marching Out

"March is the month of expectation,
The things we do not know..."
-Emily Dickinson

They do say that March runs in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
As if we needed proof, another white blanket fell overnight, an oddity in the throes of Springtime.
Snow is everywhere, white like the pristine fleece of that new lamb, appearing astonished and out of place among the emerging greenery.
We will shortly wave our farewells to March 2008: for all it was worth, we shall not have this time again.
And so it goes, always.


Nan said...

I like this so much. So often we spend the day complaining about the weather or some other little thing, and yet, when the night comes that day is gone, and "we shall not have this time again." Beautifully written.

Phyllis Hunt McGowan said...

Nan, thank you.
Much as we complain, it's still our life and there's so little time. I hate wishing away the Winter, or any time.

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